It’s not enough to have talent - you have to have a talent for your talent.
— Stella Adler

You never know if you're any good until you test yourself against the great parts. At The Folster Studio, actors continuously test the boundaries of their craftsmanship by applying their skills to scripts of all different types: contemporary plays, classics, films, t.v. sides, monologues and original works. Merely focusing on Instrument and Technique can lead to narcissistic preoccupation, whereas great writing asks for the best in us. Great stories force us to go places we could never go without them.

Not only do we study the great writers, but we also utilize exercises to flex our understanding of the basic structure underlying all scene work. These exercises convert easily into tools for acting in today's fast paced work environments such as on-camera auditions, television and film where improvisation is prized and rehearsal time is severely limited, if it exists at all. Additionally, we learn specific approaches to deal with the Four Domains the actor is responsible for: Homework, Rehearsal, Preparation and Living it Out (Performance). Special attention is given to specific methods of homework and rehearsal that help the actor get past merely "running the scene" into the realm of living in the part.